Linux Virtual Machine Installation Instructions

An Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine (VM) with PFLOTRAN and supporting software (i.e. GNU compilers, python [h5py, matplotlib], ParaView) can be downloaded from Google Drive. This virtual machine is small (4 cores, 8 GB memory, 100 GB hard drive) and designed for use in PFLOTRAN short courses; so please bear in mind that it is not ideal for large simulations or parallel computing, and the regression tests will not pass due to the 4-core limitation.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and install the appropriate version of VirtualBox for your machine (Windows, OS X, Linux).

  2. Download the PFLOTRAN VM named with the following convention: “”, and unzip in a local directory.

  3. Start VirtualBox.

  4. From the menu, select Machine -> Add.

  5. Navigate to the directory where the zipfile was unzipped and load the file: pflotran-ubuntuXX-mon-year.vbox. Note: only .vbox files will be displayed.

  6. Click on the newly loaded virtual machine (with the same name) and click on Start.

The virtual machine will load. The username and password for this VM are user and pflotran, respectively, should the machine become locked. The PFLOTRAN repository is located in the directory named pflotran while the PFLOTRAN executable is at pflotran/src/pflotran/pflotran.

Note: Should any of the instructions above be out-of-date, please email pflotran-dev at googlegroups dot com.