The following instructions show you how to run PFLOTRAN using a standard terminal.


Verify that PFLOTRAN has been installed correctly by running the regression test check. Detailed instructions on how to run the regression tests can be found here: Regression Test Manager.

If you don’t already have $PFLOTRAN_DIR set as an environment variable, do so now by replacing /home/jmfrede/software/pflotran with the path to your PFLOTRAN directory below,

$ export PFLOTRAN_DIR=/home/jmfrede/software/pflotran
$ cd $PFLOTRAN_DIR/regression_tests
$ make check

If PFLOTRAN has been installed correctly, you should see something like this after running make check:

/usr/bin/python -e ../src/pflotran/pflotran  --mpiexec /home/jmfrede/software/petsc/gnu-c-debug/bin/mpiexec \
              --suite standard standard_parallel \
              --config-files ascem/1d/1d-calcite/1d-calcite.cfg

Test log file : pflotran-tests-2021-12-21_10-32-33.testlog

Running pflotran regression tests :


    . - success
    F - failed regression test (results are outside error tolerances)
    M - failed regression test (results are FAR outside error tolerances)
    G - general error
    U - user error
    V - simulator failure (e.g. failure to converge)
    X - simulator crash
    T - time out error
    C - configuration file [.cfg] error
    I - missing information (e.g. missing files)
    B - pre-processing error (e.g. error in simulation setup scripts
    A - post-processing error (e.g. error in solution comparison)
    S - test skipped
    W - warning
    ? - unknown


Regression test summary:
    Total run time: 1.81472 [s]
    Total tests : 2
    Tests run : 2
    All tests passed.

If you do not see this, go back and try installing PFLOTRAN again: Installing PFLOTRAN.


Create an input deck file (also called more simply as ‘input file’). An input file has the file extension .in and is most commonly named, although you can give it any name. It is an ASCII file that contains all of the information necessary to set up your simulation. Detailed instructions on how to create an input deck file are here: Creating an Input File. Additionally, you can browse the input deck files located within the regression test directory $PFLOTRAN_DIR/regression_tests.


Place your input file within a directory where you want to run your simulation. For example, in ~/mytest.

$ cd ~/mytest
$ ls

In this example, two input files are inside ~/mytest. The first file is given the default name while the second input file is given a custom name


To run the simulation that is defined by the input file called in serial, enter the following command,

$ mpirun -n 1 $PFLOTRAN_DIR/src/pflotran/pflotran

where $PFLOTRAN_DIR/src/pflotran/pflotran is the path to your PFLOTRAN executable. For parallel runs, you simply replace 1 with the number of processors desired.

To run the simulation that is defined by the input file called (or any custom name), type the following command,

$ mpirun -n 1 $PFLOTRAN_DIR/src/pflotran/pflotran -input_prefix myinputfile

or alternatively,

$ mpirun -n 1 $PFLOTRAN_DIR/src/pflotran/pflotran -pflotranin

Note that when the default input file name is used (, you do not need to specify the arguments -input_prefix or -pflotranin.


If PFLOTRAN is running, you will see scrolling screen output that looks something like what is displayed below:


== GENERAL FLOW ================================================================
  0 2r: 1.87E-04 2x: 0.00E+00 2u: 0.00E+00 ir: 7.72E-05 iu: 0.00E+00 rsn:   0
  1 2r: 9.69E-07 2x: 7.11E+06 2u: 3.83E-03 ir: 9.69E-07 iu: 1.57E-03 rsn: stol

Step     52 Time=  9.77040E+00 Dt=  2.50000E-01 [day] snes_conv_reason:    4
  newton =   1 [      70] linear =     1 [        70] cuts =  0 [   0]
  --> SNES Linear/Non-Linear Iterations =            1  /            1
  --> SNES Residual:   9.689780E-07  4.844890E-08  9.686628E-07
  --> max chng: dpl=   0.0000E+00 dpg=   0.0000E+00 dpa=   0.0000E+00
                dxa=   2.1661E-12  dt=   1.5734E-03 dsg=   0.0000E+00

== GENERAL FLOW ================================================================
  0 2r: 1.84E-04 2x: 0.00E+00 2u: 0.00E+00 ir: 7.59E-05 iu: 0.00E+00 rsn:   0
  1 2r: 8.99E-07 2x: 7.11E+06 2u: 3.46E-03 ir: 8.99E-07 iu: 1.42E-03 rsn: stol

Step     53 Time=  1.00000E+01 Dt=  2.29597E-01 [day] snes_conv_reason:    4
  newton =   1 [      71] linear =     1 [        71] cuts =  0 [   0]
  --> SNES Linear/Non-Linear Iterations =            1  /            1
  --> SNES Residual:   8.994285E-07  4.497143E-08  8.985523E-07
  --> max chng: dpl=   0.0000E+00 dpg=   0.0000E+00 dpa=   0.0000E+00
                dxa=   1.9650E-12  dt=   1.4230E-03 dsg=   0.0000E+00

If the simulation has finished, you should see summary information, including timing information, like so:

FLOW TS BE steps =     53 newton =       71 linear =         71 cuts =      0
FLOW TS BE Wasted Linear Iterations = 0
FLOW TS BE SNES time = 0.1 seconds

Wall Clock Time:  1.2695E-01 [sec]   2.1158E-03 [min]   3.5263E-05 [hr]

If you made a mistake in your input file, then you will see an error message that informs you of the mistake. An error message about your input file looks something like this:


 "grid_structured_type" set to default value.
 pflotran card:: NUMERICAL_METHODS
 pflotran card:: REGRESSION
 pflotran card:: GRID
 pflotran card:: MATERIAL_PROPERTY
   Name :: soil1


  Helpful information for debugging the input deck:

      Filename :
   Line Number : 43


 ERROR: While reading "porosity" under keyword: MATERIAL_PROPERTY.


In this example, the error message indicates that something is wrong with how the porosity was defined in the material property named soil1 at line 43 of input file


As the simulation is running, output files will be generated. By default, they will be located in the same location as your input file. As an example,

$ cd ~/mytest
$ ls       pflotran.out      pflotran-001.tec  pflotran-002.tec  pflotran-003.tec
pflotran-004.tec  pflotran-005.tec  pflotran-006.tec  pflotran-007.tec

A .out file will always be generated. Additional output files (like the .tec files in this example) will be generated according to what has been specified in the input file, under OUTPUT. By default, these output files will start with the same prefix as the input file was given.